Easy & Secure Phone AuthorizationEven 30% of customer support costs can be generated by problem with customer logins and passwords. Each web service asks the user to create an account, to define login name and password. People define easy to remember passwords, the same for all of services, which is easy to crack and unsecure. The problem is also that people forget their passwords and when trying to login the first step is to reset the password. The security function of login/password is completely ineffective.
The solution of this problem can be using two factors authentication, but sometimes it needs a separate hardware (e.g. e-token or one-time-password delivered by SMS). PhoneID solves this problem by using any phone and regular phone call.
Some Examples

Your customer can login to this account without a username and password. When he clicks login button you show him a phone number to dial. After he makes a call, PhoneID recognizes his phone number and sends it to you. You can redirect the user to his profile or basket.
Your customer can login to this account without a username and password. When he clicks login button you show him a phone number to dial. After he makes a call, PhoneID recognizes his phone number and sends it to you. You can redirect the user to his profile or basket.

Security is critical for the internet banking. A lot of banks are using hashed passwords for user authentication and one-time-passwords via SMS for transactions authorizatons. Both methods are not convenience, SMS is expensive and has low delivering quality. PhoneID gives you completely new way of user authentication and transaction authorization. When your customer logins to the web service he sees a phone access number, dials this number and enter 4-digits PIN. It's all - he is inside your internet bank. When he makes a transaction you show him the next access number for authorization of transaction (now without PIN, only a phone call)
Security is critical for the internet banking. A lot of banks are using hashed passwords for user authentication and one-time-passwords via SMS for transactions authorizatons. Both methods are not convenience, SMS is expensive and has low delivering quality. PhoneID gives you completely new way of user authentication and transaction authorization. When your customer logins to the web service he sees a phone access number, dials this number and enter 4-digits PIN. It's all - he is inside your internet bank. When he makes a transaction you show him the next access number for authorization of transaction (now without PIN, only a phone call)

Your customer from time to time checks on your website details of his bill, but he never remembers his login and password. When you decide to use PhoneID your customer will never have this problem. You show on the login page the phone access number and the user has access to his profile directly after a phone call.
Your customer from time to time checks on your website details of his bill, but he never remembers his login and password. When you decide to use PhoneID your customer will never have this problem. You show on the login page the phone access number and the user has access to his profile directly after a phone call.